Maidenhall Primary School

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Contact Us

If you are unsure who to contact, please telephone our School Office on 01582 430780. Mrs Hussain and her team will be happy to talk to you. They will direct your call. 

Alternatively, please email and your email will be forwarded on to the correct department.

Office hours: 8am-4.00pm, Monday to Friday. 

When calling the school, if you hear the recorded message it means the office is closed. Please try again during opening hours.

We welcome contact by parents/carers given that it forms an important part in the home school partnership, which is so vital in supporting students in their learning development. Please be aware however, when calling to speak to teaching staff that they have teaching commitments throughout the day. They may not be able to get back to you straight away but they will always try to call you back within 24 hours.

Unless it is urgent we cannot disrupt a class to pass on messages.

If a parent has a query or concern regarding their child then they must speak to their child’s class teacher in the first instance.  Alternatively, you can speak to the senior leaders informally at the school gates.

We will do our best, but forgotten PE kit/homework can only be passed on if time allows. No calls are made for forgotten kits, as we have spare kits in school. It is expected that children are to bring their PE kit into school at the beginning of the term and to keep it in school until half term.

Additional Contact Information

Our address is Maidenhall Primary School,Newark Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 8LD.

Our Headteacher is Mr James Adkins and he can be contacted on 01582 430780 or by e-mailing

Our Deputy Headteacher is Miss Saima Akhtar and she can be contacted on 01582 430780 or by e-mailing

Our Special Needs Co-ordinator is Miss Nicole Teakle and she can be contacted on 01582 430780  or by e-mailing

More information on Special Education Needs can be found on this website on our Special Needs Report (Local Offer) page. 

Paper copies

If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on the website, please contact the school office by emailing  They will provide it free of charge.